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March 8th, 2011 Posted 7:00 pm
“To me a bicycle is a machine of magic … taking me on to the ways of satisfied happiness; giving to me the good friendship I enjoy with others, and to share with me the delights and ecstasies of the outdoors. It gives to me the pleasures of mingling the past with the present … always discovering … always learning. Above all it gives to me also, memories to cherish and store inwardly, as I wheel my ways on joyous days … such a day has been today.” Albert Winstanley 1917-2012
Friday Night Ride will be back just as soon as we work out whether we’re allowed to do it or not.
— realmattlucas (@RealMattLucas) May 10, 2020
“Peculiar travel suggestions are dancing lessons from God” Book of Bokonon, in Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle
Hi nightriders, we have met up and put together a prog over the year.
These are dates we can do in 2020 [ Mick is deffo proper retired and Simon will be a new retiree (how 12 yrs passes….) and both of us have holidays and breaks planned already.]
If anyone else has an idea for an SFNR s/he or they want to put on or would like to re-run one of the old ones – see the list on the website, then pls let us know. We will help get it up and running.
Hi nightriders, we have met up and put together a prog over the year.
These are dates we can do [ Mick is deffo proper retired and Simon will be a new retiree (how 12 yrs passes….) and both of us have holidays and breaks planned already.]
If anyone else has an idea for an SFNR s/he or they want to put on or would like to re-run one of the old ones – see the list on the website, then pls let us know. We will help get it up and running.
10 April (full moon 8 April) – Postponed
Fabulous Fullywood!
Simon & Mick
Theme: Visiting Sheffield’s Beverley Hills. Fabulous Victorian mansions, views into the hills and valleys, visiting the Houses of the Stars (if we can find any), The Fullywood Sign not to mention the Observatory and of course passing the Sheffield Football Club site. Good Friday is a Good Ride Day! For a laugh, we could all try to squeeze into the new micro-pub in Fulwood centre or we can head over the hill to the Rising Sun for a bit more room (& food). Meet Hunters Bar, 6 for 6:30 Start.
8 May (full moon 7 May) – Postponed
Ride on the Wild Side
Simon & Volunteer pls
Theme: This ride visits all the Sheffield Wildlife Trust sites in Central Sheffield. Join us on this ride during Sheffield Environment Weeks. Meeting Pt: Winter Gardens
5 June (full moon 5 June)
Mick & Volunteer pls
Theme: Mick’s 70th birthday this year – time for cycling as biography, autobiography and/or psychocyclingeography. How do the experiences of cycling the city of Sheffield form your memories and leave a record of you? Meeting Pt tbd
3 July (full moon 5 July)
Car Parks
Mick & Volunteer pls
Theme: Car Parks are in full view of the urban landscape – yet they are spaces we don’t even register (eg plenty of them but ppl always claim there is nowhere to park). Most of us dip in and out of them but they are also spaces where ppl make transactions, meet-up, play, dump stuff – all sorts. They can be difficult spaces to navigate, eg mind that car or where did we leave the car, and, believe it or not, they are designed! And if we have hit peak car – what cd they be? Meeting Pt. probs Waitrose Car Park
31 July (full moon 3 August)
The “Used to Be” Tour
Simon & Mick
Theme: Doesn’t Sheffield sometimes seem like a city of “Used to Be’s? When giving directions, don’t you often say “turn left where such-and-such used to be”? Is Sheffield’s future in it’s past? Let’s visit some of those “used-to-be” places and examine their stories and histories Meeting pt tbd
NB we have gone back to putting a ride on close to a full moon – it’s nice to be a lunatick.
Nearer the time all details (with map to follow) will be at
There are lots of ideas for rides and they are on the Future Sheffield FNR page. If you want to turn one of these ideas into a ride or have ideas for another theme then let us know at
So get on the email list ( or like the fb page.
SFNR is also on twitter as @sheffieldfnr. Tweets are usually announcements only.
Cycle Maintenance classes throughout the year
The ever-popular ReCycleBikes cycle maintenance classes are now revised and bookable here
If you know what you’re doing and want a stand to work on, in the dry with good tools and expert advice on hand then you can do that in the bike kitchen
I think Russell’s Bike Shed, Bike ReHab and Evans also offer bike maintenance classes so contact them for details
Learn how to use the
Sheffield Cycle Jumble – May and October, book early if you want to have a table; it gets busy and is a great event to go to
Mark’s contact details are on the poster for the jumble if you want to book a table for a jumble.
More Rides
I get ride info sent to me from time to time and if you want to get out on your bikes more then …
don’t forget to look on these sites: local CTC site; the Sheffield Clarion Cycling Club;, the Steel City Riders; Ride Sheffield; Sheffield Shopper Society; No Balls Biking; Sheffield Women’s Cycling – see side bar Other Sheffield Rides for all these.
Should SFNR have an anthem? – this is a great modern Sheffield tune about Sheffielders and we can la la la as we pedal
Click on this logo, check out what it says, sign up if you want to. I know its News International, obviously linked to News Corp who sponsor all that cycling through SKY; but I think this is genuinely felt – shock that a colleague ordinarily commuting to work can be seriously injured through poor vehicle design and driver behaviour.
Cheer yourself up before the next ride – take a dekko at this
Fraternal/Sororal Rides: There used to be a London FridayNightRide (where I was inducted into the experience) sadly no more. If any body knows of another FNR like this one – there are other FNRs which cycle to the coast and all that kind of stuff but we are not into distance or endurance or power (I think we are in it for the joy of social urban riding and being a tourist in your own backyard) then I could maybe see if any other FNR wants to do a fraternal/sororal ride sometime in Sheffield and vice-versa.
“FridayNightRiders of the World Unite!”
“We have nothing to lose but our chains!”
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